
Online Kurse

Introduction to naiscoaching Program

Der Kurs ist zur Zeit im Betastadium und nur auf Englisch erhältlich. Wir arbeiten an einer Deutschen Version.
In this six weeks program, you will learn the basiscs of handstands and dance acrobatics, while becoming stronger and more flexible at the same time. You work towards splits, understanding the basis of being on your hands and how to improvise movements.
  • About 50 video tutorials
  • A 30 page manual, explaining everything in details
  • Group support over facebook and telegram

Who is this program for?
  • Everyone who is interested in moving their body, wants to stay healthy, become stronger and learn about the freedom that our bodies offer.
  • It is oriented towards beginners in movement, however even if you are more experienced in one field, the other parts of the program will still be of great value to you.

Goals and Benefits?

The program has three main parts which each have their own goals and benefits, but it will be the whole package that will change your body and skills completely.
Of course, six weeks are just six weeks and nothing compared to years of work, but you’ll be surprised what you can achieve in this small time frame.
You will become stronger, move with more energy and confidence through life, be more flexible in your body and thus more relaxed and supple overall. Your body awareness and wellbeing will be heightened, and you will learn how to express yourself through movement, while being able to show off cool tricks.

How does it work?

The program is divided into blocks of two weeks. While the structure will be the same, each block has their own content, progressing from week to week.

The timetables and structure are written down on the next few pages. There will be tables for the blocks but also for every single day. Some parts will stay very similar from day to day, while others change.

Each exercise has its own video which will guide you step by step. So don’t worry if it seems a bit difficult to understand at first sight, it will all make perfect sense with the videos.

The weeks are separated into three blocks, week one and two, week three and four and week five and six. Each block has it’s own tasks and developments. The aim is to make you strong, flexible and supple, while teaching you new moves at the same time.

It includes almost everything you can think of in terms of movement: handstands, danceacro, strength, flexibility and bodymaintenance.

It is a full program and each day is a bit different, so be prepared to learn a lot and have an open mind.

What do I need to start?

2 x 2 m

empty space

water bottle

to keep you fresh and healthy

comfy clothes

to allow the freedom you need

pull up bar or rings

not necessary

a device

to watch the videos


for the music

empty wall

to practice handstands

Get the Naiscoaching online course!

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*Zur Zeit finden alle Trainings online statt. **Bei Anfahrt wird ein Aufschlag berechnet
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